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Our Aims & Mission

The Best School in India

Contribution :
Contribution from all members of the school community will be valued and recognized.
Challenge :
We aim to promote challenge through high expectations of learning behavior.
Creativity :
Creativity is strong focus ensuring that school is fun! The school will be bright attractive, stimulating place to learn.
We value parents and governors as our partners in education and will involve them and the wider community, in the life of the school.
Caring :
Children will be happy and secure and their achievements will be celebrated and value by all.
Consistency :
The school will grow and change but we will remain true to our vision.
Communication :
We realize the importance of efficient, effective communication. Everyone must feel that have opportunities for consultation and be kept informed.

  • We will strive to create a positive climate in which pupil's self esteem is nurtured and misbehavior becomes a less attractive way to gain attention.
  • DPSS has such an environment where effective teaching and learning can take place.
  • Everyone will work together to encourage good behavior.
  • A high level of parental involvement is encouraged and expected.
  • We will work closely with other agencies to ensure that children with complex needs and Difficulties, and their families are given appropriate support.
  • Copyright © 2019, Delhi Public Secondary School, Balaghat .All right Reserved.